Monday, October 20, 2008


Indonesian is described as a land where "there is rice in the fields and fish in the water".
Indonesian also called katulistiwa ,its mean what ever throw in the land will grow even it is stick.

In the ancient dynasty times of Indonesian the meals were simple and consisted generally of rice
accompanied bye two or three side dishes.The food was lightly cooked and seasoned.Since red hot chillies were unknown the food was made hot with black pepper.The people of Indonesian made good use of the sea life around them and the spices that were to their South.
The dishes were low in fat and high in seasonings.In the old days food was grilled on a wood fire
or boiled in a clay pot.The men sat rossed - legged,the woman with their legs tucked behind them,so that feet were always pointing away from the group.serving dishes were placed at randomand most of the fooddishes were served all at once.Perfumed and sweetened water was served with Indonesian food as tradition in the old days.

The meals were simple,beautiful affairs with grace, beauty and sprituality wich more than made up for any formality and grandeur.

The complex techniques for preparing foods and carving fruits and vegetables were
perfected .Fruits and vegetables were made to look like flowers, leaves, and abstract design.

The Indonesian also have perfected the art of flavors over time.The land has always produced many indigenous spices,herbs and seasonings and ancient trade and culture exchange also brought in spices from China ,Thai and India.The water also produced fish,shrimps ,crabs.


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